Solar Simulators and QE

Solar Simulators use to create an environment of sunlight in the laboratory environment. It is also called the Sun Simulator.

Optosense offers a wide range of ASTM, IEC, and JIS standards-compliant Solar Cell Iv characterization ranging from 100W to 3kW with one sun or bigger illuminated field sizes from 50 x 50 mm to 35 x 35 cm. Optosense Solar Simulators can design to integrate into our glovebox systems.

Quantum efficiency (QE) is the measure of the effectiveness of an imaging device to convert incident photons into electrons.

Optosense Quantum Efficiency Characterization System analyzes quantum efficiency characteristics of solar cells, photodiodes, and sensors as a function of wavelength.

You can contact us for Optosense Solar Simulator and Quantum Efficiency Characterization System.